Men’s Health Week 2021
Today, June 14th marks the beginning of International Men’s Health Week 2021 and we are and educating and promoting health awareness amongst our staff each day this week.
The overall aims of Men’s Health Week are to heighten awareness of preventable health problems for males of all ages, support men and boys to engage in healthier lifestyle choices/activities and encourage the early detection and treatment of health difficulties in males.
The theme chosen for Men’s Health Week 2021 is ‘MAKING THE CONNECTIONS’ and the call to action is:
- CHECK IN with yourself to see how you are coping / feeling, and to identify any health
worries that you might have. - CHECK UP on your family, friends, neighbours, colleagues to see how they’re doing
and to offer your support. - CHECK IT OUT and seek information/help/support/treatment as soon as possible if
you notice anything worrying or which needs medical attention.
To deliver on the objective of the week, we have daily awareness videos publishing through our employee engagement platform encouraging all staff to take care of their health and to reach out for help for both mental and physical health. We are also encouraging all our staff to avail of the support offered through our Employee Assistance Programme.